Review Speakers

Here is a selection of the Future of Fair Finance (FoFF) speakers from 2018 – 2022.



Dr. Anna Athanasopoulou
(FoFF Mannheim 2021)

EU Commission, Head of Unit “Proximity, social economy and creative industries” in DG GROW.


Helmut Augustin
(FoFF Mannheim 2018, 2019 und 2021) 

CFO and deputy CEO of Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord, with its headquarter located in Mannheim.

Dr. Peter Bertels
(FoFF Mannheim 2022)

Open Innovation Coordinator at City of Ghent, Belgium.


Steffen Brunner
(FoFF Dortmund 2019)

Sustainable Finance Officer from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment.



Peter Fabjan
(FoFF Mannheim 2022)

head of Croatian NGO “Association for economy of communion”, which is part of the international movement of EoC.

Christoph Frey
(FoFF Mannheim 2022)

City treasurer of Munich.

Caroline Gebauer
(FoFF Mannheim 2021)

Head of National Energy and Climate Policy at Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. (BUND) / Friends of the Earth Germany.

Sven Giegold
(FoFF Mannheim 2021)

Member of European Parliament from North-Rhine-Westphalia / Germany and spokesperson for the German Greens in the European parliament.

Prof. Dr. Christian Klein
(FoFF Mannheim 2018)

University of Kassel


Dr. Peter Kurz
(FoFF Mannheim 2021)

Mayor of the City of Mannheim.

Christian Loy
(FoFF Mannheim 2021)

Freelance social ecologist and economist, author of various studies and analyses on the social responsibility of the financial sector (e.g. Spargutbuch) and co-designer of the content of the common good economy.

Melanie Magin
(FoFF Mannheim 2022)

Head of the Social Engagement Department at Sparkasse Rhein Neckar Nord

Sabine Pex
(FoFF Mannheim 2018)

ISS Oekom and board of Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlage

Mario Rajn
(FoFF Mannheim 2022)

Mayor of Križevci, Croatia.

Christiane Ram
(FoFF Mannheim 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024)

Head of the Department of Economic and Structural Promotion of the City of Mannheim.

Michael Schmidt
(FoFF Mannheim 2018)



Antje Schneeweiß
(FoFF Mannheim 2019)

Südwind Institut

Heiko Schultze
(FoFF Mannheim 2019)

Head of Sustainability and ESG at Landesbank Baden-Württemberg.

Anne Snick
(FoFF Mannheim 2022)

Member of the Club of Rome and Fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science.

Christian Specht
(FoFF Mannheim 2022)

Mayor of the city of Mannheim.

Martin Špolc
(FoFF Mannheim 2022)

Head of Sustainable Finance in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Financial Services.

Gesa Vögele
(FoFF Mannheim 2021)

Member of the management team at CRIC, an association for the promotion of ethics and sustainability in investment.